What will the Title be?

Feels like eons. I checked the last post date, and it's almost a decade. Been away creating a professional career for myself after completing my bachelor's in Chemical Engineering. 

What brings me here again is to share something out of my personal experience. A dear friend has recently lost her father, and it is tough not being able to be there in person and give her a tight hug. Hence, publishing this for her and many more people who lost their loved one(s).  

23 July 1997, i lost my mother to cancer. Relax! i am not sharing a sob story. Just the prelude could be. It was super tough to process everything that was happening around me as a seven-year-old. A few days passed, and i started to understand what everyone was talking about around me. But, most importantly, the truth hit me hard. My mother was indeed missing. The dead body i saw was indeed my mother. Believe me, when i say this, you cannot even fathom the pain if you yourself have not gone through it. If it had dimensions, not even a Planck length. 

Moving on to the brief experiences, which i mean to share...

I was still a seven-year-old unable to share what I was feeling. I viewed the situation as a problem and my immediate solution was to pray. Praying to god rather than pleading to return her. I used to pray all day. I remember crying myself to sleep. At night, i used to hug my father and sleep since i had a habit of hugging my mother. Now, how did I manage to do that without disturbing everyone (so my brothers and I started to sleep in one room with our father)? - Cry silently. Only the tears fell. I managed to keep the noise ultra-low. Well! Now i give a pat on my back for not disturbing my family's good night sleep. We were managing the pain our own way. It became a routine for almost a week until she arrived in my dream. I saw her floating over our bungalow's terrace. I was standing on the ground and she lift her arms (from the same location), and i rose from the ground. It was like she had the power to lift me up and put me down from a clear distance. Oh boy, that feeling of flying was amazing!!! Even if it was a dream, it really felt like reality. She lift me up and put me down until i burst with laughter and joy. That dream felt so damn real that i was convinced that she had become an angel. I started sleeping peacefully after that dream. I didn't share this dream with anyone fearing being laughed at. 

Little did i know of what was to follow. It was the year 2005, and i was browsing the internet at my best friend's home. I had joined a website, StumbleUpon. On which i had selected my interest areas, and one of them was Painting. Through that website, i stumbled upon a painting gallery of a child prodigy, Akiane Kramarik. One of her paintings blew my mind. Time stopped. It was a painting of an Angel. Tinged my pain for sure. I do not know how many of you choose to believe that i had seen my mother exactly how Akiane had painted the Angel. I immediately called my best friend's mother to the room and told her everything including the dream. That was for the first time i spoke about the dream. She started crying, obviously because she was close to my mother. For those who really want to know how an angel looks like, please follow this link: https://akiane.com/product/the-angel/

In her poem on Angel, she says...

...Sometimes we meet certain angels that appear like humans, and we don't know it. Many of us have been saved from many accidents, and we don't know it either. We should appreciate each safe moment.

In this painting, I blended a few dimensions to portray the guardian angels' mission: with the wings invisible to human eyes, yet with the see-through energy veil, the youthful angel is catching a falling child without any tension, difficulty, or worry. Her hands are relaxed. The background is gold, copper, and brass, to signify providence, the law, and the safety. To save our bodies is easy for an angel, but what is hard is that sometimes she must allow someone to fall or get hurt, according to God's laws. And I don't remember why... 

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=350689684987850&set=a.350689644987854


In my belief, what she says is true. My dream memory got validated. Not only that, it provided an explanation to an instance where I could have gotten severely injured physically but didn't get hurt even by an inch. 

See, the whole point is not to make you believe in a higher power or the existence of angels in invisible dimensions. It is your choice. All I want to say is, don't lose hope. I know and understand that it is super difficult to understand life or to find meaning in tough situations. But it does help immensely to speak your heart out. You have to take out that painful energy and convert it to words or a painting or anything that you feel is relevant to you. Energy is neither created nor destroyed (the law?). So remember this - your loved one; in fact, all of us are energy manifestations - will never get destroyed. 

Wishing you and your loved one, Peace. :) 
