One in a hundred billion !!!!....(imagine 100 billion exclamation marks)

When all the odds are against you, remember this - 

The odds of a meteorite hurtling into someone’s home and hitting a bed in any given year is about one in hundred billion (NY times excerpt). AND yes it did happen recently in Canada. 

.....*closing my ears for a while for your loud WHATTTTTT????*...

........ :D 

More than amazed i was laughing at this news. Why?? because it reminded me of a few instances wherein people were surmising a probability of 0.followed by few more zeros and then one, concluding the event to never happen. Eventually a few of those events did happen :)

I wish this news got more traction, globally. It could have been the biggest source of hope during the pandemic. In fact a perfect example! The meteorite missed the woman, who was sleeping blissfully, by a few inches. She must have never ever even imagined that there was a meteor on her way, before going to bed. And anyways who does? I guess that's the beauty of unknowns. They can be as alarming as dying in a pandemic to surviving both a pandemic and a meteor. 

On a different note i wondered why no memes were made on this. So here's a sweet message (don't expect me to make a meme haha!) from "THE Rock"


